Christ for the Nations Ministries organizes and holds evangelistic missions in partnership with local churches .

Our stratified evangelism is to ensure that all society is reached. We want to see God demonstrating his saving and redeeming love to His people. Our passion is to reach as many people as possible. Christ for the Nations Ministries organizes and holds evangelistic missions both on personal and mass levels

  • Door to Door
  • Media Evangelization


The widows’ project aims to economically empower women with skills for social economic sustainability as well as sharing the love of God.

Christ for the Nations Ministries believes in empowering communities this is done hrough projects of orphans , widows and savings groups . These initiatives provide dignity ,resilience ,self worth ,positive future .This is done through applying biblical principles of love , tolerance , accountability to one another . The widows’ project aims to economically empower women with skills for social economic sustainability as well as sharing the love of God. CNM offers services of biblical counselling for their social economical sustainability. Financial Support and donations in kind on small scale is mobilised and given to some groups in order to help them in their self-reliance and for their family support. 


With establishment of CNM with a burden and call to respond to the Spiritual, social needs of children in Rwanda after tragedy of 1994, CNM constructed a nursery school, primaryschool.

Our Vision is to see children know God and will be equipped to love, serve and transform their communities as well as the world in His name.

To provide a strong academic education from the perspective of a Christian worldview for students from diverse socio-economic, ethnic backgrounds and varied academic abilities. We pledge fidelity to Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace, offering our hearts and lives to do God’s work in God’s world.

Leadership Development

We bring together church Leaders, Christian professions from different churches and backgrounds in conferences and seminars aimed at equipping them with leadership skills based on biblical principles.

With our mission and vision for the Body of Christ as His Agents of Change, church mobilisation for missions and Evangelism and trainings is greatly needed .Marriage seminars and conferences have also been organised and conducted.

Our long term vision and plans is to construct a leadership institute to equip ,mobilize leaders for transformation