Leadership Development
Our vision as a ministry is to identify , equip, empower, and engage leaders in churches with leadership skills to lead the Body of Christ, equip evangelists in local churches on how to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to their communities in the market place in parternship with local churches and fellowships. This should be driven by passion and the purpose of doing the task well.
The purpose is to develop leaders who should propel the church in a healthy direction.
The church in Rwanda is experiencing exponential growth and for this reason this growth should be matched with leadership that should champion and direct the growth toward the kingdom of God in terms of focus. These leaders should be developed to meet this need so that the church can fulfill the Great Commission.
Every church carries a Biblical mandate to go make disciples and baptize those who believe.
Many churches have failed because of leadership. John Maxwell, a re-known leadership guru said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” For this reason leaders should be developed to do a good job for the church with the understanding that what they do is for the kingdom.
Leadership development forms the foundation of a kingdom-focused church.
Study after study has shown that the growth of any organization is dependent upon the development of leaders. Leaders need to know the truth and live the truth that should help them stay focused on the only truth, which is found in the word of God.
In summary our purpose is to have what a healthy leader looks like and what process He follows to build a healthy church.
Overall the church should benefit from the kingdom-focused leadership which should in return embrace the Great Commission.
The church needs leaders who have integrity who are honest and who should recognize the fact that what they do is for the kingdom and not for themselves.
As of right now, Christ for the Nations Ministries is actively involved in different villages and provinces provinces all throughout Rwanda and around our region
That involvement consists of two areas of ministry :
- Evangelistic work through evangelism and missions trainings
- Training church leaders, market place leaders, emerging leaders in institutions of learning and local churches .
We believe that a systematic, strategic, application-based schedule and curriculum is what is needed to help each of these leaders rise to the next level in the areas of their areas of influence .
We believe Jesus is the greatest leadership role model of all time.
We believe leadership happens anytime we influence the thinking, behavior, or development of another person.
We believe effective leadership starts on the inside with our hearts.
We believe serving is the only approach to leadership Jesus validates for his followers.

Contact Us
Contact Info
Our Office
Promise House KG 11 Avenue
Open Office Hours
M-F: 9:00am - 4:00pm
S-S: Closed
Get in Touch
+250 788 422 951 | 788 405 019
P.O. Box 4507 Kigali, Rwanda