Blessings School
Christ for the Nations Ministries started Blessings School to support the orphaned and vulnerable children of Rwandan. This long-term vision has taken about 10 years since the inception of the vision. This has included nursery and primary school.. Blessing Nursery and primary School is situated in Cyabatazi community, Rusororo Sector, Gasagara, Rugagi cell Gasabo District.
Our Vision Statement
That the students will know God and will be equipped to love, serve and transform their communities as well as the world in His name.
Our Mission Statement
To provide a strong academic education from the perspective of a Christian worldview for students from diverse socio-economic, ethnic backgrounds and varied academic abilities. We pledge fidelity to Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace, offering our hearts and lives to do God’s work in God’s world.
Our Core Values
Blessings School bears the following core values and shared commitments. We believe that our commitments make our school in the present and in the future. And we collectively pledge to insure that Blessings School will always retain these values and this identity:
Academic: Our intent is to take each student and challenge and equip them with discipline and experience.
We do not define ourselves as a prep school that admits only students of high academic achievement or any social status.
Rather, we admit students we believe we can serve well and who, with their parents, are willing to covenant with us to give solid and consistent effort toward academic achievement.
Diverse: We intend to be diverse, serving primarily the Whole community. We understand the enormous privilege it is to have a student body of mixed groups or gender and other backgrounds. All groups from different backgrounds brings wonderful patterns and values to the whole, enabling students not only to learn how other groups function, but further to learn to cherish the experience, opportunity, and friendship that only portrays the richness of God.
Christian: strives to be “thoroughly Christian.” The range and scope of Christ’s claim is over the whole educational enterprise. If Christ is Lord of all of life, if our whole world belongs to God, then there is not one small part of our task that is outside of God’s care and concern. We endeavor to emphasize and enact in both form and substance a comprehensive, holistic, thoroughly Biblical educational program and values to our students.
Our Present: We offer a school that promotes the importance of Christian principles and morals, a school that offers a variety of instruction within a program that integrates faith and learning.
Our Future: Through our motto ‘we learn to serve, in diversity, in Christ’s Way”. We will continue to develop our children so they become knowledgeable and competent disciples of Jesus.
Our Legacy: As a community we will continue to serve by investing our gifts of time, talent, and finances to endow the next generation with a solid foundation of Christian education.
Community: Our school community brings together families from a variety of backgrounds. At present our school has families from different religious background around our geographic area
Currently Blessing Nursery and Primary school has a population of 360 children.
Our Motto & Objectives
“We learn to serve in our diversity Christ’s Way “.
CNM main objectives for Orphans and other Vulnerable Children through Education .
- To ensure the development of the child spiritually, physically and psychosocial as long term development of orphans and other vulnerable children
- Ensure the provision of psychosocial support for the children
- Ensure support for the continuity of children’s from nursery education and beyond primary education .
- Contribute to the meaningful integration of the children into Society.
- To provide a physical school building.
- To educate each child as per his/ her unique needs
- To meet national education standards

Contact Us
Contact Info
Our Office
Promise House KG 11 Avenue
Open Office Hours
M-F: 9:00am - 4:00pm
S-S: Closed
Get in Touch
+250 788 422 951 | 788 405 019
P.O. Box 4507 Kigali, Rwanda