Media Ministry
Media is an important tool for communicating the gospel.
And there is no better place to examine media than the Bible because it contains a history of the communication between God and Man as well as the various “Medias” used to accomplish it.
We begin with God revealing Himself to Adam, the patriarchs, prophets, Apostles, various servants without intermediaries. Yet He used a “method” or “media” to communicate to these people as the Hebrews writer states in vs. 1:He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and many ways
God chose communication methods (medias “ways”) suitable and effective for the time and person in question, for example: We live in an information age where there are vast amounts of information about any subject (including Christianity) available and traded each moment of the day. This is a wonderful blessing but there are also several downsides for those of us who are in the business/Ministry of communicating information (preaching the good news).
Our message can become distorted or trivialized because of the overwhelming amount of other information about religion available.
The news media played a crucial role in the 1994 Rwanda genocide: local media fueled the killings, while the international media either ignored or seriously misconstrued what was happening.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Paul Mbaraga, a veteran Rwandan journalist and director of Radio Salus, said while state propaganda was disseminated through schools and other government institutions, the radio broadcasts took it to another level.
“The broadcasts played an essential role in the preparation for the genocide. It is unfortunate that journalists drifted from the cardinal principles of objectivity and social responsibility and promoted hate,” he said.
They used in their broadcasting hate and preparing its listeners for the violence. The radio was supported by an extremist newspaper the Kangura
While in many countries of the world, social networks and online channels are becoming the main means of communication and information, in Africa, the most used information tool remains radio.
In Rwanda, the difference between urban centers and rural areas is made above all by internet connection.
In fact, in the capital, Kigali, it is easy to find a wi-fi network in bars, offices and meeting places, the same is not true for the more remote areas of the country that live primarily from agriculture. Not everyone has a smartphone or tablet and the connection, running mainly in 2G, is not apt to the use of social media.
For this reason, radio in Africa is the medium that continues to unite all generations of the family around the table. There are those who listen to the news, to the Christian mass or a soccer match.
In 2020 and 2021, radio played a very important role within the education system.
During period of lockdown, when Covid-19 led to the closure of schools, the Rwandan government organized lessons via radio, allowing students to continue their studies.
As we continue to face a global Challenges, we may at times feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. For many, there was at least a time that we could not even have in-person church services to be with our local community of believers. Despite the uncertainties around us and the inconsistency in our ability to gather in some areas of the country, Christ for the Nations Ministries knowing the power and effects of media we started radio and TV broadcast of radio and now on visual radio meeting people where they are.
Many people keep on tuning in to Christian or Religious radio messages each week. The Messages we provide to listeners is that there of hope, salvation, light and talk shows to keep us trusting God. There is no better message than that of the hope of Jesus in times hopelessness and despair.
We believe that Christian radio and tv disciples and shapes the lives of believers. As Christians, we need to constantly be reminded of how great our God is.
Our Broadcast have allowed young people who were once drug addicts to share their testimonies…like what really brought them to Jesus?
It is so fulfilling as a minister to hear how other people went from death to life through the preaching of the gospel, homes restored. The gospel we proclaim becomes relevant to current issues and how lives can be transformed through Christ.
We focus on the biblical teachings without attacking other denominations we remain evangelistic and kingdom minded.
“Christian radio and tv has had a powerful and immeasurable impact, both leading many lost listeners to saving faith in Christ and building up the body through life-changing Bible teaching a valuable role in helping people who are seeking to grow in their walk with the Lord. Millions of listeners have been shaped and discipled by faithful Christian radio ministries.
CNM Media ministry will keep encouraging; keep inspiring; keep uplifting; keep discipling; and more importantly, keep proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Word of God we so desperately need.